In other, related news, I am thrilled to have a functioning dive computer! It was even sent with the user's manual, which is great. Unfortunately, the battery that was included was the wrong size, so Peter ran out to CVS to procure a replacement, which took all of about fifteen minutes total. We went on a very nice, calm dive to the canyon, and, by using Peter's download cable, I was able to see my dive profile, which looked pretty uneventful, except I did pop up to the surface at the end of the dive, when we'd gotten to about 12-15 feet of water depth. We'd been swimming toward the beach for a while at that point, so I did not worry about DCI. I just waited at the surface until Peter came up, and we swam together back into the shallows, where we easily took off our fins and stood up.
This will be a short entry, as I've things to do tonight, but I wanted to write something after receiving a notification that someone had commented on one of my posts.
On another note, I will not be attending Pastries and Desserts this week, as there is an all-day symposium on Energy & Climate Change, which I plan to attend. I was told by one of my fellow members that I can ask a question regarding using thorium as fuel for nuclear reactors. I'm looking forward to that.
My name is Michelle Johnson, I am Kevin's wife. I made the other comment as well and I own up to every word I say. I was witness to the situation and saw every email regarding the sale of the computer. Peter, if you check the emails you will see that my version of the timeline is not "revisionist history", and you are correct, it didn't make sense to us either. The first complaint was that there wasn't a data cable. After that, the buttons did not work. Weeks later, after a case had been opened, she asked for a new strap, then she tested it on the dive (?). By the way, the computer was not and will not be tested in a bathtub. Every dive in there was done in Southern California waters and it worked fine. If it's not working now, apologies, there was no reason to believe that it wasn't when it was sold.
ReplyDeleteNancy, I would like for you to rethink this threat of publicly announcing private contact information (gathered only through a sale on ebay through paypal) in retribution for a comment on a PUBLIC blog, where you choose to put out every thought that runs through your mind. Seriously, who does that? You wrote something that interested me, you have a comment section, so I made a comment relating to your words. A comment, unless it contains a threat (including one to reveal private information to give someone a "taste of his own medicine") is not harassment. Delete this if you'd like after reading it, I'm done. If you choose to escalate, I will follow suit legally. I do stand by my words.
-Michelle Johnson
Michelle, thank you for owning up. I just want to get my money back now that I've returned a nonfunctioning product.