This morning, in a fit of conscientiousness, I calculated my carbon footprint. I've calculated it before, using the calculator on the UC Berkeley, when I was in my first Environmental Studies class at UCSD. My carbon footprint has gone up, somewhat significantly, because I've since flown a few times this year, to San Francisco, to Barcelona and London (a circle trip), and Roatan. My footprint was, for the previous year, something far below the average for the industrialized world, but appears to have moved up into the average for industrial nations, though still far below the average for the United States.
The calculator I used this morning is located here:
The calculator at Berkeley is here:
I have not gone back to recalculate my former footprint (though I suppose I could dig and look for records in my class notes), but considering I had made only (should I really phrase it "only"?) a single transoceanic flight in each of the previous few years, I don't think it's all that terrible for my lifetime thus far (though I realize that many people in the United States do not have the means to travel extensively).
Well, it's time for me to go back to bed and finish sleeping.
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